Crossing through Melutopia

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Useless info

Favourite new word of the week: 'hubris' - arrogant pride or presumption

Favourite student saying (well writing). Two students, writing on the topic of Generation Ys supposed constant job changing days used the term 'doll bludger' instead of 'dole bludger'. What do you think a doll bludger could be? One who bludgeons Barbie dolls? Someone who relies on the Bratz dolls for their personal income? Perhaps they're pimping them out (god knows those dolls are hookers in waiting!)

Favourite website this week: People who know me know i'm a Harry Potter nut. So im checking out a website called Yes yes its a conspiracy theory but who doesn't love a good ol' conspiracy now and then?


  • At 1:40 am, Blogger Thaozee said…

    My word for the week is 'robust'. I just recently realized that I've never really used that word. Taking it out for a spin.

  • At 2:51 pm, Blogger Melby said…

    Then thats a robust vocabulary you shall have!


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